Tuesday 21 October 2014

music magazine cover conclusion

From the covers that I analysed I learnt that the masthead needs to be visually appealing and easily recognizable because its the first thing you see on the magazine unless the central image comes in front of it and then the central image takes priority. I want to bring this over to my magazine because Kerrangs masthead is easily recognizable and stands out other the magazines in its genre and this makes it unique. I also noticed that with rock magazines they were either in black and white or they were brightly coloured  and using red in particular. its because these colours appeal to the magazines target audience the most so i am going to include these colours on my magazine.

Friday 17 October 2014

questionnaire answers

Questionnaire answers

1.       100% answered yes
2.       72% answered yes
3.       30% said rap, 25% said rock, 20% said pop, 15% said metal, 10% said other
4.       63% said yes
5.       51% said yes

6.       Most people said information on their favourite artists and then gave examples

Wednesday 15 October 2014

questionnaire for music magazine

1.       Do you like music?
2.       Would you consider it an important part of your life?
3.       What is your favourite genre
4.       Do you like magazines
5.       Would you buy a music magazine on your favourite genre
6.       What would you want it to contain 

Wednesday 8 October 2014


My magazine contains all of the conventions that you would expect to see on the front cover of any magazine. At the top is the header which is telling you that you can get free stationary with every copy, which will make someone more likely to buy it. Below the header is the Masthead which is the name of the magazine and gives you an idea of what it’s going to be about. My magazine is titled “Mizballers” because it is about the Misbourne school. The all is in a different colour to imply the school can do everything. Below the header are some cover lines which allude to the biggest articles in the magazine. These are to entice the reader in by interesting them with what’s inside. Below one of the cover lines is a graphic feature or smaller image. This relates to one of the cover lines and is also supposed to help draw the reader in. At the bottom left of the magazine are the plugs. These also give you more information about the content of the magazine to try and interest the buyer. At the bottom right is the barcode. This is not a very important feature but it is always there. Behind everything is the central image. The cover lines, masthead and plugs only cover a small part of it and the focus point is easily viewable. It is a picture of a Misbourne student so it’s relevant to the magazine. It also has its own little headline which contains a rhetorical question to help draw in the buyer. The cover also has a three colour principle, the colour being red, blue and black. These are the Misbournes colours which is why I chose them.

The target audience of my magazine is the students which is why I have aimed the cover lines and plugs towards that age range. It’s also why I offered free stationary because they would need it. To create my magazine cover I used InDesign because it was the best form of software for creating magazine covers. I also used photoshop to resize and sharpen up the image. Overall I think my magazine cover is alright. Next time I would put a price on the front and have more on the main article.